IO Streams
Boost License 1.0.
Jason White

size_t  print(Stream, T...)(Stream stream, auto ref T args) if (isSink!Stream);
size_t  print(T...)(auto ref T args) if (T.length > 0 && !isSink!(T[0]));

Serializes the given arguments to a text representation without a trailing new line.

size_t  println(T...)(auto ref T args);

Serializes the given arguments to a text representation followed by a new line.

void  printf(Stream, T...)(Stream stream, string format, auto ref T args) if (isSink!Stream);
void  printf(T...)(string format, auto ref T args);

Serializes the given arguments according to the given format specifier string.

void  printfln(Stream, T...)(Stream stream, string format, auto ref T args) if (isSink!Stream);
void  printfln(T...)(string format, auto ref T args);

Like printf, but also writes a new line.

@property auto  byLine(T = char, Stream)(Stream stream) if (isSource!Stream);

Convenience function for returning a delimiter range that iterates over lines.

@property auto  byLineCopy(T = char, Stream)(Stream stream) if (isSource!Stream);

Like byLine, but duplicates each line. Obviously, this is less efficient than using byLine.